Pictures from Ciftci Lab.

Steve and Dr. Ciftci after Graduate Commencement.

Ciftci lab after commencement.

Yue receiving her Milton E. Mohr Fellowship certificate with Dr. Heng-Moss.

Awardees at CASNR student award recognition day.

Steve and committee members, Dr. Majumder, Steve, Dr. Rose and Dr. Ciftci (L to R), after his doctoral dissertation.

Steve with his wife after successfully defended his doctoral dissertation.

Ciftci lab members in 2024

Ciftci lab members in 2024

Yue, Purlen, and Dr. Ciftci (L to R) at the CoFE24 in Seattle, WA.

Yue presenting her poster at CoFE24 in Seattle, WA.

Purlen presenting her poster at CoFE24 in Seattle, WA.

Dr. Ciftci presenting at the CoFE24 at Seattle, WA.

Jaden presenting his poster at UNL Student Research Days.

Angelina presenting her poster at UNL Student Research Days.

Angelina presenting her poster at International Camelina Conference '24

Angelina and Purlen presenting poster at International Camelina Conference '24.

Dr. Ciftci co-chaired the Enahncing Efficiency an Quality through Processing Optimization: Strategies and Applications session and delivered an oral presentation at the 2024 AOCS.

Purlen presenting her research at the AOCS 2024.

Purlen received 2nd place award at 2024 AOCS Lipid Oxidation and Quality Division Poster Competition.

Purlen giving an oral presentation at AOCS 2024.

Ciftci lab at Farhad's graduation.

BioWRAP Annual meeting in Manhattan KS-2024

Muhammad presenting his research at BioWRAP Annual meeting in Manhattan KS-2024

Muhammad and Dr. Ray at the BioWRAP Annual meeting in Manhattan KS-2024

Purlen receiving her award at the FDST Research Symposium.

Yue presenting her research at the 2023 IFT First.

Farhad presenting his research at the 2023 IFT First.

Purlen presenting her research at the 2023 IFT First.

Ciftci Lab at 2023 IFT First.

Muhammad presenting at BioWRAP Annual meeting in Rapid City SD-2023.

BioWRAP Annual meeting in Rapid City SD-2023

BioWRAP Annual meeting in Rapid City SD-2023

Congratulations Lingyi! We are celebrating her doctoral degree.

Lingyi holding her diploma at the graduation ceremony.

Lingyi while receiving her doctoral hood from Dr.Ciftci.

BioWRAP Annual meeting in Lincoln-NE 2022

Purlen holding her Milton E. Mohr Fellowship certificate with Drs. Weller, Heng-Moss and Clutter.
Purlen holding her Milton E. Mohr Fellowship certificate.

Farhad holding his Skala Fellowship certificate.

Dr. Ciftci and Lingyi after Lingyi's Ph.D. defense.

Part of Ciftci Lab after Lingyi's Ph.D. defense.

Lingyi and Yue working on the integrated supercritical carbon dioxide extraction-reaction system in the lab.

Lingyi received the 3rd place award at COFE22 Poster Competition.

Lingyi presenting her poster at COFE22 in Rayleigh, NC.

Purlen presenting her project at COFE22 in Rayleigh, NC.

Dr. Ciftci co-chaired the Henry Schwartzberg Green Extraction and Separation Technologies session and delivered an oral presentation at the Conference of Food Engineering (COFE22).

Lingyi, Purlen and Dr.Ciftci at COFE22 in Rayleigh, NC.

Shane and Dr. Ciftci at 2022 Summer Research Symposium.

Shane doing Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Extraction in the lab.
Lingyi holding her AOCS Award with Dr. Silvana Martini at 2022 AOCS Conference.
Lingyi holding her AOCS Award with Dr. Silvana Martini and other award winners at 2022 AOCS Conference.
Lingyi as a volunteer of Aggie Chocolate Factory at 2022 AOCS Opening Reception.

Expo of 2022 AOCS Conference in Atlanta, GA.

Lingyi and Dr. Ciftci with her poster at 2022 UNL Research Days.

Lingyi receiving her 2021 Skala Fellowship certificate from Dr. Archie Clutter, Dean of UNL's Agricultural Research Division.

Lingyi holding her 2021 Skala Fellowship certificate with Drs. Weller, Heng-Moss, and Clutter.
IFT19 Food Expo in New Orleans, LA
Jessica holding her first place ribbon at IFT19 Annual Meeting & Food Expo in New Orleans, LA.
Jessica presenting her poster at IFT19 Annual Meeting & Food Expo in New Orleans, LA

Jessica and Dr. Ciftci with her poster at the 2019 AOCS Annual Meeting and Expo in St. Louis, MO.
Jessica while receiving the best poster award in Industrial Oil Products Division at the 2019 AOCS Annual Meeting and Expo in St. Louis, MO.

Jessica while receiving the Graduate Student Research Scholarship at the 2019 DGTC Symposium in Minneapolis, MN.
Lingyi presenting her research to Food Engineering Unit Operations class.

Ciftci Lab in 2018.

Ciftci Lab in 2018.
Jessica explaining her research to high school FFA students.
Felipe explaining his research to high school FFA students.
Lingyi demonstrating the 3D printer to high school FFA students.
Jessica presenting her poster at COFE18.

American Chemical Society (ACS) National Meeting & Expo 2018 in New Orleans, LA.

Dr. Ciftci attending ACS awards ceremony in New Orleans, LA.
Ali presenting his project at the AOCS Annual Meeting and Expo in Minneapolis, MN.

Jessica while receiving the first place at the AOCS Annual Meeting and Expo in Minneapolis, MN.

Ali while receiving the Honored Student Award at the AOCS Annual Meeting and Expo in Minneapolis, MN.

Graduate Student Orientation and Grad Fair at UNL city campus.

Graduate Student Orientation and Grad Fair at UNL city campus.

IFT18 awards ceremony.

Jessica, Ali and Dr. Ciftci (L to R) at IFT18.

Dinner after IFT18 in Chicago, IL.

Ali presenting his poster at IFT18 in Chicago, IL.

Jessica while receiving the 1st place at IFT18 Student Research Paper Oral Competition.

Ali while receiving the 1st place at IFT18 Student Research Paper Poster Competition.

Jessica presenting her poster at IFT18 in Chicago, IL.

The Nobel Museum at Stockholm, Sweden.

Ali co-chairing the Engineering of Novel Food Process session at the 3rd International Conference on Food and Biosystems Engineering (FABE2017) at Rhodes Island, Greece..
Ali presenting his project at the 3rd International Conference on Food and Biosystems Engineering (FABE2017) at Rhodes Island, Greece.

Jessica at the 17th IFT Annual Meeting & Food Expo in Las Vegas, NV.
Henok while receiving the American Oil Chemists Society (AOCS) 2017 Processing Division Student Excellence Award at the 108th AOCS Annual Meeting and Expo in Orlando, FL

Jessica, Dr. Ciftci and Henok (L to R) at the 108th AOCS Annual Meeting and Expo in Orlando, FL.
Dr. Ciftci and Henok at the 108th AOCS Annual Meeting and Expo in Orlando, FL.

Ciftci Lab at a picnic in the Pioneers Park.

Ciftci Lab at a picnic in the Pioneers Park.

Ciftci Lab at a picnic in the Pioneers Park.

Dr. Ciftci, Jessica, and Ali (L to R) at the 13th Conference of Food Engineering (CoFE) at Columbus, OH.

Jessica, Dr. Ciftci and Ali (L to R) at the 13th Conference of Food Engineering (CoFE) at Columbus, OH.

At the downtown Columbus after the CoFE’16.
Ciftci Lab in 2016.
Ciftci Lab in 2016.

Dr. Ciftci, Jessica, and Henok (L to R) attending the 107th AOCS Annual Meeting and Expo in Salt Lake City, UT.
Ali and Jessica attending the 16th IFT Annual Meeting & Food Expo in Chicago, IL.